About Us

年青從事酒樓廚師的樊春先生,早年從廣州來到香港,自設小型工場手工製麵,自給自足售賣麵條。他於1965年在西灣河街136號地下,創辦春記麵廠 ,結合傳統廣州竹昇打麵的技術和機器,快速大量生產,批發麵條。漸漸在製麵業打出名堂。

Fan Chun, who was a restaurant chef, came to Hong Kong from Guangzhou in his early years. He set up a small workshop and made a living by selling noodles. In 1965, he established Chun Kee Noodle Factory on the ground floor of 136 Sai Wan Ho Street in Hong Kong. He combined the traditional Guangzhou Jook-sing noodle making technique with machinery to produce noodles and made a reputation gradually in the noodle-making industry.


Chun Kee was relocated to the current location in 1975. The above photo was taken at the opening of the shop then.

樊春離世後, 第五及第七兒子將麵廠的重擔接棒, 子承父業, 一直遵從父親的教誨,用傳統和嚴謹的製麵方式, 選用優質材料, 工序一絲不苟, 用心製作麵條。

After Fan Chun’s passing away, his fifth and seventh sons inherited his teachings and took over the noodle making business. They use traditional and rigorous methods of making, select high-quality ingredients, and meticulously craft their noodles.